What Can I Do?

Educate yourself.

Investigative journalists around the country are holding our elected officials accountable by following the money on your behalf. Subscribe to your local paper. Support your local nonprofit press. Stay on top of breaking news from our partners at OpenSecrets.org, Maplight, and the Center for Public Integrity.

Advocate for New Disclosure Laws.

The National Conference of State Legislatures maintains a searchable database of state legislation related to campaign finance, including disclosure requirements. Use the database to stay on top of upcoming legislation in YOUR state (they update it every Tuesday) and get involved in campaigns to pass it — when you support it.

Fight attempts to weaken or eliminate disclosure laws.

Speak up when you think your state’s disclosure laws are being violated. Is your mailbox filled with campaign flyers making OUTRAGEOUS claims? Contact your state disclosure board and ask them to investigate. Work with our partners to maintain existing disclosure laws and VOTE when the issue is on the ballot.

Support public financing.

Small donor elections programs allow candidates to run solely with the backing of the voters they hope to represent — and not wealthy special interests.

Help Pass the 28th Amendment.

Help the 28th Amendment reasserts that “We the People” govern this country — and not big $$$. A number of our partners — listed below — are working to get this amendment and can help you to get involved.


Let politicians know that you oppose dark money by casting your ballot for candidates who reject dark money campaign donations. Register to vote and VOTE.

Connect with our partners.

Get involved with and support the efforts of groups across the country working to shine a light on dark money.